WWE Afterburn - Season 3 : Episode 10


    WWE Afterburn is a WWE syndicated television show which recaps events taking place on SmackDown. Along with Bottom Line it replaced WWE's previous syndicated highlight show, Jakked. The show was broadcast in the USA from May 2002 to September 2005 when it was removed from syndication. WWE Afterburn still airs in international markets to fulfill programming commitments. It is broadcast in Germany on Sky Sport, the UK on Sky Sports, in South Africa on Supersport, in Indonesia on Lativi, in South Asia on TEN Sports, in Italy on GXT, in Philippines on Solar Sports, Portugal on Sporttv 3, and in Malaysia on Astro Supersports 3. In January 2009, South African satellite provider DStv relinquished all WWE broadcast rights and Afterburn moved to free channel e.tv. WWE Afterburn airs on e.tv on Mondays at 10.30pm with a repeat the following afternoon on Tuesdays at 1.30pm.

    Season 3 Episodes


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